Save the date #GivingTuesday 2016 is on Tuesday the 29th November
#GivingTuesday provides a welcome philanthropic antidote to the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, where frenzied shoppers trawl the web for the best offers on Christmas shopping. With newspapers reporting around £1.1billion spent in the UK on Cyber Monday last year it’s clear that people are enticed by these US born crazes and #GivingTuesday looks to be no exception.
#GivingTuesday is fast becoming a globally recognised event. This year, DonorPerfect have produced a handy document ‘The 2016 #GivingTuesday E-Book’ which gives advice on how to prepare for this growing phenomenon. The E-Book also provides answers to one of the big questions you are probably asking as you are reading this ‘won’t this take away from our usual Christmas fundraising?’. Surely if people donate their money on #GivingTuesday they are less likely to do this on your normal end of year campaign, right? DonorPerfect’s data shows that the answer to this is No! Participants of #GivingTuesday saw a 19.4% increase on all giving in December while those who did not take part only saw a rise of 8.4%. Figures show that this day is becoming more and more successful each year with total dollars contributed in the US rising from 13.5 million in 2012 to 45.7 million in 2014.
The E-Book also provides hints and tips of how to participate and make the most of #GivingTuesday for your charity along with a timeline of the weeks and days leading up to it and how best to utilise the initiative.
We’re interested to hear if any of you have already tried this? How did it work for you, was it a success?
Likewise, if you are planning on giving it a try this year, get in touch and we’ll share your #givingtuesday hashtag on our social media pages.