How much do you charge?
We base our rates on the average salary of a Fundraising Professional with our level of experience, plus a small percentage to cover our overheads. We enjoy our work and are driven to make a difference – we  believe in fair pay, not exploitation.  
Why should we use a Consultant?
A consultant is a useful addition to your existing team as we offer:

• Additional expertise from across the sector

• An objective view

• Capacity building of internal staff teams, leaving a legacy of upskilled staff

• Cost saving – we can work flexibly as much or as little as you need with non of the overheads associated with employing staff

• A critical and supportive friend – we’re on your side so you know that our feedback is targeted to help you achieve the best funding outcomes

Can we pay by Commission?
No – We adhere to the Institute of Fundraising Code of Fundraising Practice which states ‘The Institute of Fundraising opposes commission payments in principle, particularly those payments made on a commission-only basis” To read more about this see here.  
Do you work with start up charities?
We can work with start ups to develop a fundraising strategy however, it is very difficult for a new charity to apply for many trust and grant opportunities as a track record is required and accounts of at least one year. If you would like to talk to us about your new charity then do get in touch and we can explain this in more detail.
Where are you based?
We are based in the Midlands but have associates in all directions and work with clients across the UK. We initially visit  clients and then the majority of our communication is via email or telephone but we are happy to visit whenever necessary. It’s important to us to build strong working relationships.  
Do you have Referees we can contact?
Any of our clients would be happy to refer us, however we only pass on their details after initial conversations with prospective clients, we can discuss with you who would be the most appropriate referee in line with the work you would like us to undertake.